Trading Psychology - S.T.E.M program

Simplified Trading Emotions Mindset

Welcome to the S.T.E.M. coaching program!
This 1-on-1 coaching program is designed to improve your trading profitability by removing the emotionally induced ‘Profit Killer’ knee-jerk reactions from your trading that are losing you money so you can trade based on my Simplified Trading Emotions Mindset equation of:
Mental Discipline + Emotional Control + Effective Behaviours = Consistent (Scalable) Profit
All traders know that it is those decisions and actions controlled by your dominant emotions during trading that lead to the common trading mistakes such as:

  • Increasing stops to avoid losing
  • Adding to a losing position
  • Grabbing profits too early
  • Over trading
  • Emotional trading

I will teach you how to easily get over any and all of the limiting self-talk, beliefs, and bad habits that are regularly killing your profits.
But also with the Simplified Trading Emotions Mindset — you will be able to get an ROI (Return-On-Investment) on ANY trading system you use or market you trade.
You’ll also build a tremendous amount of self-confidence and enjoy those ‘feelings of success’ more often as you steadily progress!
Plus, you can SCALE your trading business with Strategic Scaling of your Position Size based on your own proven behaviour strategies.

So, this is how the program works…

Structure of S.T.E.M. Program

This is an 8-week program of 1-on-1 Skype coaching sessions direct with me.

Where possible, we will also use recordings of your own live trades to pinpoint
your exact emotions at each stage of your trading
(don’t worry I will guide you on how to do this before the first session)!
These trade recordings will also be a valuable resource
for your trade record keeping.

The one-hour program sessions follow a weekly pattern of:

Review/Reflection – Mindset development – Accountable Actions

Like this…

Session #1 – Trading Growth Plan and Beliefs
How the program works and the start of creating your own personal ‘Trading Growth Plan’. We also begin work on aligning your ‘Belief System’.
Session #2 – Progress Review & Mindset Development
Psychological ‘de-construction’ of trading behaviours to uncover and resolve any negative ‘Profit Killer’ emotional drivers (if available we will use your recorded trading video to help with this process).
Agreement of ‘Accountable Actions’ to be practiced by you day by day.
Session #3 – Progress Review & Mindset Development
Review progress (accountability) and do new ‘behaviour development’ to keep the momentum from previous session (using trading video if available). We will start exploring how your past is affecting your present trading in order to identify any issues that need to be resolved so you can progress your trading.
Agree continuing accountable development actions for coming week.
Session #4 – Progress Review & Mindset Development
As per session #3 but using a new recorded trade from the previous few days and focused on the next dominant issues.
Agreement of more ‘Profit Friendly’ trading behaviours to be developed day by day.
Session #5 – Progress Review & Mindset Development
Review progress (accountability) and attend to more required ‘behaviour maintenance’. Agree continuing development actions for coming week.
Session #6 – Progress Review & Mindset Development
Weekly review followed by continuing the ‘de-construction’ and resolution of the causes of your unhelpful trading behaviours.
Agreement of more ‘Profit Friendly’ trading behaviours to be developed day by day.
Session #7 – Progress Review & Mindset Development
Progress review and support/motivation to keep you accountable so you can maintain and strengthen positive behaviour changes.
Agree more continuing development actions.
Session #8 – Progress Review, Mindset Development/Consolidation & Future Plan
A more in-depth progress review and assessment with any required behaviour ‘fine-tuning’. Discuss the next steps to create your next step ‘Future Plan…’
We consolidate the ‘deep-mind’ techniques learned and the positive changes made ready for you to continue moving forward with your trading.
Additional Support

Your coaching program includes additional support from Les via email between your individual coaching sessions.

With your permission, the Mindset Development sessions
will be recorded so you can review them at anytime.

Moving Your Trading Forward…!

I want to encourage you to stop losing money because of your trading psychology so you can make the sort of profits you know are possible when you are a disciplined trader using a ‘Simplified Trading Emotions Mindset’.

“I check my p&l statement since November (3 months) and I am up $54K
after not being able to break $40K a year for the last 3 yrs .
So the process works I just need to do it in my personal life.” SH, USA

The cost of this intensive programme is normally $3197 but for a limited time you can benefit from a 50% discount so you only pay $1597 (which I expect you to get back from your trading quickly after you have completed the S.T.E.M coaching development programme).
Click the button below now so you don’t miss this 50% discount opportunity to take your trading to the next level…

I Want To Join The Program!

*Please note that Les gives, and expects from you, a high-level of commitment to your 1-on-1 coaching so this coaching program is not covered by our 30-Day guarantee (explained in our Terms & Conditions).