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Attention Serious Traders Tired Of Inconsistent Profits
Learn To Leverage The Hidden ‘Success Formula’
Cutting Edge Monthly Mastermind & Accountability Group Reveals The Secret To Leveraging The ‘Power Of Accountability’ & The ‘Power of Positive Action’ Into Consistent, Predictable, Monthly Profits…
The program is called the ‘Traders Accountability Action Group’ and is designed to accelerate your trading progress by focusing on the two key progress-forces of the ‘Success Formula’ used and recommended by such highly successful people as Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins, Will Smith and many others…
“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” Tony Robbins
Stop Doing What You’ve Always Done & Join Other Like-Minded Traders Now
Yes, I Want To Be Part Of TAAGLimited-Time Offer From Right Mind Trader
Get the ‘Secret’ Success Formula Working For You…

From: Les Meehan, Founder of RightMindTrader.com
If you accept this proposal, it will cost you exactly $1.
That’s right…
One. Big. Cash. Dollar.
That’s the “bad news”.
Now For The Good News…
In exchange for this miniscule investment, I am going to invite you to take your trading success to the next level and beyond by asking you to join a special program.
And I’m going to let you in to work with me and a select group of success minded traders…
…as a Full Member…
…for just $1.
I’ll tell you why in a bit, but first, I have a question for you…
Are You Just “Winging It?”
Practicing “hope and pray” trading?
Or do you have a clear cut plan to grow your trading business?
If you are “winging it” don’t feel bad, you’re not alone. Many traders do the same and I was one of them!
And occasionally it may work…occasionally.
Then one day it hits home that “winging it” just isn’t cutting it anymore and won’t work long-term.
When “Winging It” Stops And Smart Trading Begins…
At this point traders who are serious about achieving the success they want start to look for the ‘secrets’ of the successful traders they hear about.
One of the first ‘AHA’ moments is when it becomes clear that successful trading has absolutely NOTHING to do with the system being used or what the markets are doing each day.
They eventually discover one of the key ‘secrets’ understood by all the top successful people.
The key secret highly successful people know and utilise is…
Accountability and this is a ‘success resource’ available to you too…
The Power Of Accountability
One definition of ‘Accountability’ is…
“An obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions.”
(Source Merriam-Webster dictionary)
The ‘power’ is in what these words imply:
These are some of the underlying psychological drivers that create ‘The Power of Accountability’ and which can accelerate your journey to the success you desire.
The Accountability ‘Secret’ Formula
So what is the best way for you to bring this ‘Power of Accountability’ into your trading…
So What Are The Benefits Of The Accountability Formula…?
When you are an active member of an accountability group you will be expected to commit to action and to regularly reporting back to the group on your progress – that is being accountable for doing what you say you will do!
The benefits to you of doing this are:
These are just some of the benefits of the ‘process of success’ that gets results.
When you experience these benefits, you will want to commit to regularly repeating the positive actions that will move you forward toward your goal and be happy to accept the responsibility to get those actions done so you can confidently report back on your progress to your accountability partners.
So How Can You Access All Of This…?
So you can become an active participant in your own ‘Process of Success’ and share that journey with the support of myself and other traders, I have created the unique ‘Traders Accountability Action Group’.
The emphasis is on ‘Accountability and Taking Positive Action’ so this group is for highly-motivated traders who have decided to stop “winging it” and start Smart Trading.
Here’s How It Will Work…
So Here Is My Offer To You…!
Because I want to make it super-easy for you to get moving forward with the ‘Power of Accountability and Positive Action’, for a limited time you can get a trial 30-day full membership for just $1 so you can experience how to accelerate your success as soon as possible.
I believe you’ll be so blown away by your positive experiences that the next part can be a no-brainer, you can continue your membership for an affordable $47 a month (which I expect you to easily cover in a single trade when you apply the powerful changes to your trading psychology and trading actions that will increase your profitability).
So all you need to do right now to start moving toward your success is to click the button on this page and come sign up for your own 30-day $1 trial (I have to tell you member numbers are strictly limited so reserve your spot now…!)
How great is that, come and join us!